Many years ago I wrote a letter to Fate Magazine in the 1980's about the Crystal Brotherhood and their knowledge of the underground cities and civilizations on Mars. However even though they published the letter I feel the darkness that is still around us must be exposed to light.

First of all Nasa's Phoenix spacecraft has discovered evidence of past water at its Martian landing site and spotted falling snow for the first time, scientists reported. Soil experiments revealed the presence of two minerals known to be formed in liquid water. Scientists identified the minerals as calcium carbonate, found in limestone and chalk, and sheet silicate. but exactly how that happened remains a mystery.

The civilization Mars is very deep underground. The Martians are an ancient humanoid civilization which predates mankind and Atlantis. They are a dying race of less than a few hundred people today saved long ago by their great technological advances for this time. They are 150 years ahead of Earth technologically but they have little ability to regenerate their Martian civilization because it is severely damaged because there is little atmosphere on Mars.

This is hard for people of earth to comprehend. For centuries before spacecraft transformed our understanding of the solar system, almost all the planets were believed, with varying degrees of conviction, to be inhabited. this belief conformed to the Copernican world view, in which Earth is not unique among the planets. Photo: Looks Like some kind of life lives on the surface of Mars today.
When the Space Age opened in 1957, the evidence for indigenous life was strongest for Mars - almost conclusive, on the face of it - and from the beginning the search for life on Mars became a major goal of the United States Space Program. The result was the historic series of spacecraft that began with MARINER 4, in 1965, and ended with VIKINGS 1 and 2, in1976.

The dawning of the Space Age is a material event, occurring in the latter part of the 20th Century, and as the description that follows is a result of a developed mental means of communication, it straightens the understanding of this means of communication as being the real and more apparent factor in the transference of energy from point to point.

Photo: The ruins of another surface city on Mars.
Once again let me state, the civilization on Mars is deep underground. As the outside atmosphere is very rare and of a low oxygen content, the Martian cities are becoming less and less dependent on that source of air supply. Many thousands of years ago they learned how to obtaining air from water by electrolysis. They also make a great effort to create great underground reservoirs near the ice caps to draining off and store any surplus surface water which also, along with the oxygen, has become increasingly rare through the centuries.

Photo: What the surface of Mars more than likely looked like at the dawn of Earths civilizations.
At the present time, scientists on mars are learning to make air and water synthetically out of other elements. They have also explored every possible existing subterranean river or lake and have added much to the dwindling water supply by some important discoveries.
Photo: Back when the surface of mars had water before the great drying out occurred.
It is estimated that, with careful conservation, they will have enough water for several thousand years, during which time other means will have been arrived at for solving this problem.

Vast lakes of melted ice existed on Mars more recently than previously thought during a warm, wet spell on the red planet, new images suggest. The lakes might have been habitats for life, if there ever was life on Mars. Most of the research on Mars has focused on its early history and the recent past. Excitingly, studies now shows that this middle period in Mars history was much more dynamic than we previously thought. The new images suggest lakes as large as 12 miles (20 km) wide once dotted the equatorial regions of Mars.