Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ancient civilization discovered in Amazon could be the works of the Lamanites or the Nephites

Ancient civilization discovered in Amazon could be the works of the Lamanites or the Nephites

In cleared-away areas of the upper Amazon basin, researchers, using satellite imagery, have recently pinpointed a vast network of monumental earthworks, including geometrically aligned roads and structures,constructed by a hitherto unknown civilization.

According to a new report published in the journal Antiquity, the archeologist Martii Pärssinen and other scientists have documented more than two hundred and ten geometric structures, some of which may date as far back as the third century A.D. They are spread out over an area that spans more than two hundred and fifty kilometers, reaching all the way from northern Bolivia to the state of Amazonia in Brazil....
Over the past several years, however, there has been mounting evidence that nearly everything that was once generally believed about the Amazon and its people was wrong, and that Fawcett was in fact prescient.
None of this wondrous discovery would have come as a shock to various authors who decades ago recorded the stories of the natives and explorers. During that time, however, mainstream archaeologists have frequently pooh-poohed these tales and ignored the whole astounding field. As we can see, times are changing. Perhaps these ruins could be the works of the Lamanites or the Nephites or even the people of Zarahemla in ancient America.
This is a fascinating find has come from the tragic loss of Brazilian rainforest, making some lemonade out of that lemon. Of course, what this discovery of a long lost Amazonian civilization means is that there have been other times when the forest was likewise not there, giving us hope that currently devastated areas can be re-grown as well.
What this find also means is that those intrepid explorers of earlier times, such as Colonel P.H. Fawcett and many others, were correct in believing the natives, whose stories beginning centuries ago described not just one but many civilizations or cities lost in the massive rainforest as well as elsewhere in remote, overgrown parts of South America.
As a result of the deforestation of the Amazon basin, a startling discovery has been made. Hidden from view for centuries, the vast archaeological remains of an unknown, ancient civilization have been found.
A study published in Antiquity, a British archaeological journal, details how satellite imagery was used to discern the footprint of the buildings and roads of a settlement, located in what is now Brazil and believed to span a region of more than 150 miles across....
According to Martti Parssinen, Denise Schaan and Alceu Ranzi, the authors of the study, the community likely had a population of more than 60,000 people. The researchers said they have only uncovered roughly 10 percent of the existing structures, which may date as far back as A.D. 300....
The brings to life British explorer Percy Harrison Fawcett claimed he had found evidence of an ancient civilization, which he called the City of Z, in the same area. He disappeared in the jungle on a 1925 expedition undertakenwith his son and a companion...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Crystal Brotherhoods Records of the Celestial war around 12,500 BC

The Crystal Brotherhoods Records of the Celestial war around 12,500 BC
The Crystal Brotherhood has detailed records of a huge Celestial war around 12,500BC. The truth about the catastrophe in 12,500 BC could have heated the atmosphere to over 1000¡C over Michigan, and the neutron flux at more northern locations would have melted considerable glacial ice. Radiation effects on plants and animals exposed to the cosmic rays would have been lethal, comparable to being irradiated in a 5-megawatt reactor more than 100 seconds.
The overall pattern of the catastrophe matches the pattern of mass extinction before Holocene times.
The Western Hemisphere was more affected than the Eastern, North America more than South America, and eastern North America more than western North America. Extinction in the Great Lakes area was more rapid and pronounced than elsewhere. Larger animals were more affected than smaller ones, a pattern that conforms to the expectation that radiation exposure affects large bodies more than smaller ones. Sharp fluctuations of 14 C in the Icelandic marine sediments at each geomagnetic excursion are interesting; because global carbon deposits in the ocean sediments at a rate of only about 0.0005 percent a year, a sudden increase in sediment 14 C may reflect the rapid die-off of organisms that incorporated radiocarbon shortly after bombardment.
Massive radiation would be expected to cause major mutations in plant life. Maize probably evolved by macro-mutation at that time, and plant domestication of possibly mutated forms appears worldwide after the Late Glacial period. For example, there was a rapid transition from wild to domesticated grains in the Near East after the catastrophe.
Implications for future study
Much of what we assume about the Paleo-Indian period and the peopling of the Americas has been inferred from conventional radiocarbon chronology, which often conflicts with archaeological evidence. This work mandates that conventional radio-carbon dates be reinterpreted in light of hard terrestrial evidence of exposure of the radiocarbon samples to a cosmological catastrophe that affected vast areas of North America and beyond. A nuclear catastrophe can reset a group of unrelated artifacts to a common younger date, creating gaps and false episodes in the fossil record. Geographical variation and complicated overburdens may further confuse the interpretation. Scrutiny of Paleoindian artifacts and the North American paleolandscape, associated stratigraphic sediments, coupled with continued radiological investigations, may provide more evidence for the cosmic catastrophe and new clues to the origin of Paleoindians.
Then, 12000 years before present, when the sea level had reached 100 feet below present level, something happened to interrupt the process; temperatures plunged 7 degrees, the sea level hesitated. This was the beginning of the Younger Dryas, (10500 BC) a millennium in which the circulation system of the North Atlantic went into a kind of planetary fibrillation, the African monsoons migrated southward, drying the desert. After a millennium, theend of the Younger Dryas ,9500 BC) came about almost as quickly as it had begun, warmth returned to the North, and water to the deserts of the Near East. Again about 6000 BC, another abrupt cooling in Greenland, (6200 BC) this a short lived cycle, then a warming for two thousand years the sun shining, a great green spring in the northern lands, the wolves retreating, as the planet entered the mid Holocene altithermal.
If we look at the timeline of the Crystal Brotherhoods records for this period we can see the Bird-Serpent War occurred in this period. In Atlantean land at the time of the Bird-Serpent War 12,000 BC they had developed electrical forces that had great power. This force an energy force that fell from the sky perhaps in a craft that had been damaged in the Celestial battles of the Bird-Serpent War. This was the terrible mighty crystal, from the heavens and it had power that brought destruction and changed the history of mankind.
The time line of this period:
14,000 B.C. - Atlanteans settled in southern Egypt.
12,000 B.C. - The Bird-Serpent War.
10,000 B.C. - The Earth's magnetic pole moved, the glaciers began to retreat, 40 million animals died on the American continent.
10,000 B.C. - Final destruction of Atlantis.
6,000 B.C. - Cataclysm in Bimini

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Was our Moon part of a celestial battle?

Was our Moon part of a celestial battle?As there is very little similarity between the moon and earth, the old theory that the moon broke off our planet and ended up in its orbit can be discounted. It is believed that the moon could possibly be older than the earth and sun. Scientists have dated some moon rocks as billions of years old. Some have been dated back as far as 4.5 billion years. Scientists nowadays accept the moon to be 4.6 billion years old.
Harvard's respected astronomy journal, Sky and Telescope, reported that at a lunar conference in 1973 dated a lunar rock as 5.3 billion years old which would make it almost a billion years older than our planet.
It is well accepted that the moon originated in other parts of the universe before moving into the earth’s orbit. Author and science expert, Isaac Asimov believed that the moon was too large to have been captured by our orbit. The orbit of the moon itself is also enigmatic. It is a perfect circle and stationary, with only one side being exposed to earth. As far as we know, the moon is the only natural satellite with such an orbit.
When astronauts landed on the moon (Apollo 11, July 21 1969) they found structures on the back side of the moon that is not visible from earth. They found a moon base, large mining structures, transparent domes and pyramids, city ruins, and supposedly an enormous mother ship. According to Neil Armstrong there was an alien base there and they were more or less warned to leave and not come back. Armstrong and Aldridge both reported being watched by alien aircraft. They also filmed the ships and building structures from their module and on the moon’s surface. A naval intelligence officer, Milton Cooper, confirmed the story and says that the naval intelligence community refers to the alien moon base as "Luna".
Astronauts' transmissions back to earth reporting the structures and spacecraft were censored, and on future missions the code name for alien presence was referred to as "Santa Claus". There was an infamous referral to this codename on the Apollo 8 mission when James Lovell exclaimed "Please be informed that there is a Santa Claus". Various national governments have been informed of the sightings and high ranking individuals have testified to the UN about the issue. Neil Armstrong explained once that NASA returned to the moon after the first Apollo 11 mission because they had already committed to future missions and they didn’t want to risk panic by canceling them. Instead they were quickly in and out. The moon surface discoveries were openly reported by NASA scientists and engineers at a briefing at the Washington national press club on March 21, 1996 as possible man-made structures but they were evasive and careful about their wording stating that they were still investigating the matter.
Even more stranger is that ancient the Sumerian cosmology describes an unstable solar system caused by emerging gravitational forces disturbing planetary balance and causing moons to grow disproportionately. According to the Sumerians, one of the eleven moons of Tiamat grew to an unusual size. and proved to be increasingly disruptive to the other planets. It was named 'Kingu'. In an ensuing celestial battle, Tiamat was split in two; one half was shattered; the other half, accompanied by Kingu, was thrust into a new orbit to become the Earth and its moon.
Scientists found that the crushed up rocks on the moon is of another world. Analysis has shown that the moon rocks are of a completely different composition to the soil around them. Some of the rocks gathered by a Soviet mission in 1970 were resistant to rusting. This is not a feature of any metal known to man and years ahead of our technology

Martian Lakes on Mars further proof that the Crystal Brotherhood was correct.

Martian Lakes on Mars further proof that the Crystal Brotherhood was correct.
Lakes on Mars further proof that the Crystal Brotherhood was Correct. The image above shows three Martian lakes. They are just that! Frozen lakes near the south polar region. However they are not quite like lakes on Earth. Though there may indeed be water ice in these lakes like there is under the polar ice cap, the top layer is CO2 ice. The presence of the blackish material could indicate some type of life form similar to lichens on Earth. The fact that the black areas have been spotted in several regions on Mars and change with the seasons is further indication of possible life. Lichens from Earth would actually make a great transplant to the Martian environment as they require little water, can stand extremes of temperature, and consume CO2 like most plants. They do however give off a large volume of oxygen for such small plants, which makes them excellent candidates for early terra forming needs.
The European Space Agency released a rare photo of a Martian ice lake in the far northern reaches of the planet. Capping a swirl of dunes at the bottom of a 23-mile-wide (35-kilometer-wide) crater, the frozen lake is thought to exist year-round. The modest temperature and pressure changes in this latitude would not be enough to allow the ice to melt or evaporate.
The new image above, taken by the agency's Mars Express probe, shows largely true colors. But the depth of the crater's ice-fringed, 1.2-mile-deep (2-kilometer-deep) ridges is exaggerated by a factor of three.
Water, a key ingredient for life, is believed to have once flowed on Mars, etching the gorges that crisscross the red planet. Today water ice is abundant underground, cakes the poles, and may even form frozen, buried seas (see photo). But it is unusual to find lonely patches of ice away from the poles.

Monday, January 25, 2010

New photos of lakes and ruins found on Mars prove the Crystal Brotherhood was correct.

New photos of lakes and ruins found on Mars prove the Crystal Brotherhood was correct.
Vast lakes of melted ice existed on Mars more recently than previously thought during a warm, wet spell on the red planet, new images suggest. The lakes might have been habitats for life, when there was life on the surface of Mars. Most of the research on Mars has focused on its early history and the recent past. Excitingly, studies now shows that this middle period in Mars history was much more dynamic than we previously thought. The new images suggest lakes as large as 12 miles (20 km) wide once dotted the equatorial regions of Mars.

Ancient records held by the Crystal Brotherhood proven correct. For those with minimal experience in aerial archaeology -- let alone, a background in analyzing ruins on another planet via satellite (!) -- it may be a bit difficult to see some of the more subtle features in these images ... to say nothing of coming to grips with the inherent unbelievably ... after all the NASA propaganda ... of viewing actual ancient ruins on the planet Mars!

What’s needed is a solid scientific basis for comparison.
That comparison (another example, below) -- acquired as a set of 1930’s aerial photographs over a similar desiccated landscape here on Earth -- presents a standard archaeological example of another partially-buried terrestrial ruin in Iran, for which there is NO SCIENTIFIC DOUBT as to its "artificiality" ... to be compared directly to what we’ve found on Mars.

Note the astonishing scientific similarity ....
In terms of recognizing the hallmarks of "intelligence" via such "remote sensing" technology, the rules are simple: look for the geometry ... repeating, rectangular geometry ... and, features arrayed in straight lines (especially those straight line features simultaneously arrayed at right angles to each other ...).

Discovery of such repeating "Euclidian geometry," above a certain scale ... on ANY planet ... is THE major, essentially fool-proof signature... that intelligence "was there" ....

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Crystal Brotherhood and the Underground Cities of Ancient Mars.

The Crystal Brotherhood and the Underground Cities of Ancient Mars.
Photo: Frozen water at the poles in the Martian winter.

Many years ago I wrote a letter to Fate Magazine in the 1980's about the Crystal Brotherhood and their knowledge of the underground cities and civilizations on Mars. However even though they published the letter I feel the darkness that is still around us must be exposed to light.

First of all Nasa's Phoenix spacecraft has discovered evidence of past water at its Martian landing site and spotted falling snow for the first time, scientists reported. Soil experiments revealed the presence of two minerals known to be formed in liquid water. Scientists identified the minerals as calcium carbonate, found in limestone and chalk, and sheet silicate. but exactly how that happened remains a mystery.
A laser aboard the Phoenix recently detected snow falling from clouds more than two miles above its home in the northern arctic plains. The snow disappeared before reaching the ground. Phoenix landed in the Martian Arctic plains in May on a three-month mission to study whether the environment could be friendly to microbial life. One of its biggest discoveries so far is confirming the presence of ice on the planet.

Photo Below: The North Pole of Mars.

Scientists long suspected frozen water was buried in the northern plains based on measurements form an orbiting spacecraft. The Lander also found that the soil was slightly alkaline and contained important nutrients and minerals. Scientist think there could have been standing water at the site in the past or the ice could have melted and interacted with the minerals.
Photo: Photographic Proof of the ancient waterways on Mars.

The civilization Mars is very deep underground. The Martians are an ancient humanoid civilization which predates mankind and Atlantis. They are a dying race of less than a few hundred people today saved long ago by their great technological advances for this time. They are 150 years ahead of Earth technologically but they have little ability to regenerate their Martian civilization because it is severely damaged because there is little atmosphere on Mars.

Photo: The ruins of a surface city on Mars.

This is hard for people of earth to comprehend. For centuries before spacecraft transformed our understanding of the solar system, almost all the planets were believed, with varying degrees of conviction, to be inhabited. this belief conformed to the Copernican world view, in which Earth is not unique among the planets. Photo: Looks Like some kind of life lives on the surface of Mars today.

When the Space Age opened in 1957, the evidence for indigenous life was strongest for Mars - almost conclusive, on the face of it - and from the beginning the search for life on Mars became a major goal of the United States Space Program. The result was the historic series of spacecraft that began with MARINER 4, in 1965, and ended with VIKINGS 1 and 2, in1976.

Photo: The modern map of the surface of Mars.

The dawning of the Space Age is a material event, occurring in the latter part of the 20th Century, and as the description that follows is a result of a developed mental means of communication, it straightens the understanding of this means of communication as being the real and more apparent factor in the transference of energy from point to point.

Photo: The ruins of another surface city on Mars.

Once again let me state, the civilization on Mars is deep underground. As the outside atmosphere is very rare and of a low oxygen content, the Martian cities are becoming less and less dependent on that source of air supply. Many thousands of years ago they learned how to obtaining air from water by electrolysis. They also make a great effort to create great underground reservoirs near the ice caps to draining off and store any surplus surface water which also, along with the oxygen, has become increasingly rare through the centuries.

Photo: What the surface of Mars more than likely looked like at the dawn of Earths civilizations.

At the present time, scientists on mars are learning to make air and water synthetically out of other elements. They have also explored every possible existing subterranean river or lake and have added much to the dwindling water supply by some important discoveries.

Photo: Back when the surface of mars had water before the great drying out occurred.

It is estimated that, with careful conservation, they will have enough water for several thousand years, during which time other means will have been arrived at for solving this problem.